How long were you working here?
“I have been working at Gems since the beginning of September of 2022. So about two years now
What are some things you enjoy working here?
“First and foremost, I enjoy being with and speaking with many of the students. There is an abundance of varieties of personalities. My coworkers are also a huge reason of what I look forward to being at Gems; we try to make a fun environment for our students.”
What are some of your responsibilities for working?
“I can wear many hats, depending on the day. As a register, my main role is enrolling students and disenrolling students. I serve first by calling parents when they come in or call the office. Miss Swanlz and I take care of boo boos and students who don’t feel well before the nurse arrives in the morning. I work with Miss Freymond, our school secretary. If assistance is needed.”
Was there any reason why you chose to work here?
“Yeah, so before having my second child. I worked at the front desk at customer service, and I have prior experience with and feel comfortable doing with. And it’s also super close to where I live, so I can save on gas.”
Are there any challenges you have faced working at Gems?
“I think every job has its challenges. This position is very fast-paced, and it can be difficult to juggle all the time with all the stuff that is needed to be completed. Working with student records and laws and regulations that need to be followed, so I have to make sure that I’m following proper procedures.”
Did you ever deal with upset parents, and if you did, then how did you handle it?
“I have to work with upset parents on quite a few equations. Usually people want to be heard first and foremost. When I let them state their concerns first, then I reassure them that I understand their concerns and help lead them to the best solution. At the end of the day, we all get frustrated in certain situations. Understanding compassion can go a long way. You learn as you get older that being right but having the last word is not necessary. I would rather have the person on the other side happy with certain services and remember it as a positive way.