Pencils to Computers
Do you remember when teachers used to teach with a rock and a chisel? Me neither. Nowadays, we use computers and technology to do our work and learn. We rarely use just a pencil and paper, and we aren’t taught cursive anymore because most of the writing we do is on computers.
Mrs. Law
Mrs. Law explains the impact that computers have had on her teaching: “I can do my work either way. I make lists on paper to figure out what I need on the computer, and then create my lessons there. I use a paper planning book because I need to cross off each period as it finishes—one of my little quirks. I think computers are very useful tools, but I believe students have to think more when they do things on paper. I don’t think they should be penalized for things like spelling and grammar when using paper, as they’ve become reliant on computer tools for that. There are some activities that just don’t translate well to computers, like maps. Coloring a map and labeling things is really important, and it helps students visualize the information better than just seeing it on a screen.”
She adds, “I’ve been very lucky to have used computers throughout my teaching career, so I haven’t faced the roadblocks that some older teachers have. I’m also a very curious person and am always trying to find the best lessons for my students, whether they’re on a computer or on paper. I love not having to make a ton of copies!”
Mr. Ogaz
Mr. Ogaz, one of GEMS’ new language arts teachers, highlights the organizational benefits of computers: “I think it’s a lot easier to organize work on a computer, especially when it comes to teaching lessons.” He continues, “I’d say it’s about 75% digital. I still use handwritten notes to plan out my initial lessons, so I use both methods, but I definitely rely on slides and digital documents more.”
Mr. Ogaz also discusses how both computers and paper impact students’ learning: “I believe students learn better with traditional paper-based methods. There’s a whole study I read about handwriting, which suggests it engages the brain more than typing does.”
However, he recognizes the challenges that come with using computers: “With a computer, there’s unlimited access to the internet, even with blocked websites. Students still find ways around the blocks. With paper, the most they can do is draw a picture. I think it’s a lot easier to see when students are on task when they’re working with paper rather than computers.”
He adds, “As an English teacher, I believe annotating and marking up stories and articles is much more effective with paper. Smaller tasks like ‘T-bears’ (a method for analyzing text) are much more effective when done on paper. It helps students see how sentences are structured and connected to each other. Like I said before, I think using paper engages a part of the brain that helps students learn better.”
Both computer-based and paper-based learning have their positives and negatives. Teachers and students can benefit from either method, and the effectiveness of one over the other may depend on the specific student or teacher. Ultimately, the balance between traditional paper and modern technology plays a key role in enhancing education.