You may have heard of the Oakland Athletics but you may not have heard that the beloved A’s are moving away from Oakland. I think this is a horrible change and I’m here to speak about how horrible of a change this is.
The Oakland A’s moving away is a cheap move from their owner, John Fisher. He is by far the cheapest owner in baseball and maybe in all of sports. This is because of the lack of money he is willing to spend on his players and stadium costs.
John Fisher gained most of his fortune from his father.
His father, Donald Fisher passed away on September 27th 2009 and that is when Fisher gained the massive inheritance of the founder of Gap, his father.
This inheritance made John able to purchase the A’s. But all the blame cannot be put on just Fisher but the city as well.
The city of Oakland did not cooperate with Fisher and the A’s to stay in Oakland.(explain how) Oakland did not help sign the bill for the A’s to build a new stadium.
Oakland has one of the highest crime rates along with one of the worst living conditions in California. Oakland will likely see a large decrease in tourists due to the bad living conditions and the high rate of crime will drive away tourists. Especially with all 3 sports teams leaving in the past several years.
Personally when I went to Oakland, the only reason I went was for the A’s and now that they’re gone Oakland will likely see a large crash in their income.
And because tourists made about 817 Million dollars for the city of Oakland. Their city will begin to fall apart.
Yes, I am aware about the fact that they desperately needed a new stadium even about like 15 years ago. But if the A’s owner had brought up the idea sooner they would have likely had the city of Oakland’s cooperation but the new stadium cost about 1.5 billion dollars and with the 817 million dollars coming in from the city’s tourism alone would be able to pay most of the stadium costs.
First when they move they will be in Sacramento for about 4 years which they should stay in Sacramento or Oakland because they will stay close to their original home or their home.
This means that fans that are in Oakland will still be able to go see their beloved A’s games at home and Sacramento fans will also be able to visit. But Vegas is too far for the beloved A’s fans to visit and support their favorite team.
In conclusion, this is a bad change because A’s fans will not be able to visit their beloved A’s.