How did you two meet, and what was your first impression of each other?
E: So we both met at summer camp in.. How long ago?
C: 1st grade
E: Yeah first grade. I thought that she was really awesome and weird which is great because I am also weird
What’s your favorite memory together?
E: Probably when we were in elementary school during christmas we would go on top of the playground and sing christmas carols
C: Yeah
How has your friendship changed over the years?
C: We’ve grown up
E: Cadence use to be super shy and like now she’s not i guess
What inside jokes do you have that always make you laugh?
C: Im shivering with feet
E: Yeah that one
C: You’d have to be there
If you had to pick a movie title to describe your friendship, what would it be?
E I feel like people who went to our elementary school would understand this its “Space Koalas”