Q: What was your favorite sibling memory
W:Winning the championship together.
B: Same
Q:If you could switch lives with your sibling for a day, what’s the first thing you’d do?
W:buy him some better clothes
B:dunk a basketball
Q:What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done in front of each other?
W:Fell down a flight of stairs at the mall
B:got rejected
Q:If you guys were stranded on a desert island, who do you think would survive longer, and why?
W: William because he smarter and use his resources
B:William because he knows more about nature
Q:What’s your earliest memory of you too together?
W:When they played MAD for the first time when he was five and he was 2
B:When we played mad
Q:If you had to pick a movie title for your family, what would it be?
W:The Pillips
B: The giants