Trends are things that people like to do because everyone else is doing them. There are many fun trends, but some can be dangerous or downright stupid. Here are a few trends that are just dumb.
The Tide Pod Trend
The Tide Pod trend started when someone jokingly pointed out that Tide Pods looked like brightly colored candy. This led to many young people biting into Tide Pods, with disastrous results. Tide Pods are filled with laundry detergent, which is highly dangerous and poisonous when consumed. Tide Pods should stay in washing machines to keep people safe.
The Mannequin Challenge
This challenge isn’t dangerous, but it’s still pretty pointless. The mannequin challenge involves a group of people standing still as if frozen in time. It doesn’t make much sense, and it’s just really random. I don’t understand how people find this funny or entertaining.
Contouring is a makeup technique where people apply layers of makeup to shape and highlight their faces. The trend involves women putting on heavy layers of contour makeup and wearing it for the whole day. Why would you want to go out in public looking like a clown with layers of makeup on your face?
The #TextDoorNeighborChallenge
This trend is not only stupid but also kind of dangerous. People would text their “number neighbor” (the person with a phone number that differs by one digit) and share the exchange on social media. You might be wondering, “What’s a number neighbor?” It’s simply someone you don’t know, which is dangerous because texting random people could potentially lead to interacting with someone unsafe.
Gallon Smashing
Gallon Smashing is not just dumb, it’s also wasteful. People would go to stores, grab two gallons of milk, smash them on the floor, and then pretend to slip. This is rude and disrespectful to the people who have to clean up the mess. The person who did this should be the one to clean it up.